- Salem SoulCare is a non-denominational Christian organization.
- We believe in God’s Word as found in the Old and New Testament.
- We believe that God is one God, revealing himself to us as Father, Son, and Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ is our only provision for redemption and eternal life.
- We believe that salvation is a free gift of God’s grace for all who come to Christ.
We believe that all people are God’s beloved – made in His image, precious in His sight.
We believe that God is calling us into a full and flourishing life.
We are committed to maintaining safe spaces for all involved in meetings or activities.
- We believe in ministry transparency & oversight.
Salem SoulCare is a registered non-profit / 501(c)(3) in the state of North Carolina
Founding Principalsimpactmedia2022-11-08T17:32:49+00:00